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Effective Presentation Skills

The workshop acts as an eye opener allowing the participants to understand the difference between mechanically delivering a dry, unplanned and disorganized presentation and a well-staged, well managed and well-designed piece of work. Moreover, the workshop allows the participant to reflect on the designing aspects and different techniques as well as the impact of body language on professional presentations.

Purpose: The aim of this workshop is to familiarize the participants of the main requirements of an effective and allows the participant to reflect on designing aspects. Hence the participants are exposed to multi presentation styles and learn the value of different techniques as well as the impact of body language on professional presentations that could be essential for academic and professional contexts.   

Methodology: The workshop is conducted in a highly interactive format, incorporating participant-centered learning activities such as group discussions, group work activities, and 2 sample videos. They are also encouraged to practice a parallel approach to means of effective communication while presenting on both Language and Skill based levels. The handout is designed both as a learning tool to develop participant skills and knowledge during the workshop, and as a resource guide. The material was designed in a way where the participants are initially given an opportunity to reflect on different types of presentations delivered and address both content and design aspects.

 Content in brief: The workshop is divided into two parts: the first attempts to familiarize participants with basic presentations principles related to design, language, structure and formatting content.  The second part is related to the performance and delivering process including techniques that help dealing with audience, dealing with difficult questions and controlling nerves and anxiety while presenting.

Students are invited to see the Workshop PowerPoint & Handouts

Updated on October 1st, 2013.