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Call for Participants

York University, School of Nursing (SON) Nursing Communication Research Project

Eligibility: YU nursing students resided in Canada 10 years or less and/or students in the bridging program of SON

What is the purpose of this Research?

a) To assess and promote English language competency in the BSN bridging education program
b) To develop best practices for nursing communication in Canada

How can I participate?

• Complete the Institutional Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (I-CELBAN) test. This test will require you to complete 2 parts.

  • 1) oral test (30 minutes) (being video-recorded for your self-analysis)
  • 2) a written test (2.5 hours)

• Fill in a survey questionnaire (40 minutes)

Is participation voluntary? YES 

Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop participating at any time.

 How do I benefit? You will receive:

• Detailed personalized feedback on the language tests.

• For Bridging Program’s Students: Other benefits include Skill Development through learning assignments and workshops; educational software and equipment

• For other eligible Nursing Students: gift card or educational software

To Download the Call for Participants:

Participation fact sheet.pdf

For further information, contact

Jennifer Jew at; Tel: (416) 736-2100, ext. 44034

Updated on April 24th, 2014.